Product/UXUI designer at Better You, a pre-seed startup developing an online therapy AI-enhanced platform that uses heart rate and facial expression measurements to help therapists overcome the physical gap of online therapy. The platform also suggests therapy check-ins with a trained AI bot as part of the therapeutic process. 
My first job as a UXUI designer was an amazing learning experience. Being the first designer to join after two years, during which the company was focused solely on building the infrastructure and proof of concept, was both exciting and challenging. 
Using Jobs to be Done UX methodology and tools like personas, user journeys, user stories and information architecture, I progressed from low-fidelity sketches to high-fidelity wireframes. This allowed me to define the necessary screens to showcase the company's unique features, while also gaining a better understanding of the product's positioning.
Taking part in conventions and interacting with therapists led me to come up with unique features for the product that are actually being developed by engineers now.
I learned about decision-making; how crucial user input is for defining a product and understanding its selling point; how important is the relationship between engineers and designers, and that there is no one right way of doing things. 
The company has great tech core and the market in which it's positioned is well saturated. I'm excited to see how the product evolves into an intuitive user-centered platform for online therapy that also offers a vision of a new AI-enhanced therapy era, giving therapists and patients something new and innovative they still don't know they want. 
I created the initial wireframes, while the final screens were designed by a senior designer who later joined the team to expedite the production of a working alpha-stage product, meeting a critical company deadline.
Images coming soon. 
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